Dir. Tom Nesher
2024 102 MIN
After breaking box office records with over 350,000 viewers with their first film, the good guys are back on the big screen to make you fall in love with them all over again!
Baruch Auerbach (Maor Schwitzer), a graduate yeshiva student who has long missed every opportunity to get married, continues to live in a small room at the yeshiva where he studied and serves as the faithful assistant to the matchmaker Malchi (Irit Kaplan). When Malchi assigns him the task of picking up her younger daughter Shira (Omer Nudelman) from the airport, he decides it’s time for him to get married. Baruch seeks Malchi’s help, but when she tries to match him with Ruth (Niv Sultan), he resolves to do everything he can to thwart the match with Ruth and win Shira’s heart.
Only when he realizes how wrongly he has interpreted the circumstances of his life will his heart open up to the love he truly deserves.
SUNDAY NOV. 17th | 12:45pm
By Invitation Only
Q&A with Director Erez Tadmor & Producer Shemi Shoenfeld following the screening
Erez Tadmor is one of the most active and respected directors in Israel. His first film “Strangers” was nominated in the official competition at Sundance and Tribeca Film Festival, his second film “A Matter of Size”, co-director with Sharon Maymon, was nominated for 13 Academy Awards in Israel and won the Audience Award at Karlovy Vary Festival. The film was sold to more than 40 countries including US and Paramount studios acquired the remake rights.